Friday, February 5, 2010

Renewing Your Mind - Current Threat Level -Severe

This week in the bible study (week 4 of Because of Jesus), we are learning about renewing our mind. None of this is new to me - I've been a Christian since I was 12-I've even done this bible study before. So, why am I not always living a victorious life - AHA Moment - I don't always renew my mind.

This made me think about terrorists and the Department of Homeland Security. They are constantly on guard. They announce the threat levels - Severe, High, Elevated, Guarded, Low. What if we took this approach with Satan? We know he is out there to lie to us. Sometimes when we believe those lies we get ourselves into a pit and it becomes difficult to climb out. What if we never got in the pit? What if we remained on guard constantly? What if when the devil says your marriage will fail (lie) or you're not good enough (lie) or you are a horrible mother (lie) - what if we took the thought (lie) captive immediately and replaced it with His Word (TRUTH). The devil wouldn't stand a chance. So, let's stay on high alert and be prepared for an attack. Not be fearful BUT stand strong on the Truth and Renew your mind daily and know you can win the battle - remember your father is a King.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A King's Daughter

Imagine for a moment that you are the King's daughter. Would you have a care in the world? Your dad takes care of everything. You have no lack. You expect the best because of who your dad is!

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord - YOU ARE A KING'S DAUGHTER! He is the King of Kings. He loves you and he doesn't want you to lack in any area of your life. He doesn't want you to be angry, depressed, poor, worried, negative - He paid a price for you to be His daughter. Accept who you are and the privileges that come with! Trade your weakness for His strength. Trade your worries for His peace. Trade your anger for His love.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus

Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Keep your eyes on Jesus. That's the key. But just knowing what you have to do is not enough. You have to take hold of it and use it. Just like the key to your house. If your door is locked, knowing how to unlock it isn't enough. You have to actually put the key in the lock and turn it. If you can't find the key, you don't give up until you do find it because you want to get into your house.

Keeping our eyes on Jesus is the key, you just have to use it. When you feel anger, depression, worry - find the key AND use it.

As I was reading through the bible study this morning, it talked about Peter walking on water until he looked at the circumstances around him. It is when he took his eyes off Jesus that he began to sink. How many times do I do that in a day? Take my eyes off Jesus and focus on whatever the problem is? He is the only answer to get us through but I think we get in the habit of NOT looking to Him and trying to take it all on ourselves.

In Isaiah 40:29-31 it says that He gives strength (power, ability) to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary and young men stumble and fall but those who hope (wait – expect) in the Lord will renew their strength.

If I wait in faith for Him to give me strength, to exchange my weakness for his strength, He will! How amazing is that? How amazing is our God?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Because of Jesus Bible Study

I started this new bible study with some ladies from church- it's called Because of Jesus by Connie Witter. Here is a link to her website:
The study is amazing and life changing. It is all about Jesus and resting in Him to be a virtuous woman. It's so relieving to know I can rest. I can quit trying to be a better wife, a better mother, a better friend. I DON'T HAVE TO TRY ANYMORE!

I started this blogspot almost 2 years ago and got very busy trying to keep up with it. Adding another kid to the mix (going from 1 kid to 2 kids) has been quite an adjustment, as was moving to a new city and working from home. I think I'm finally adjusting (2 years later) so I'm ready to start blogging again. The purpose of the blog originally was to send daily prayers for our husbands. Although praying for our husbands is still very important, I think for now the blog will be used to share the journey through this bible study-Because of Jesus.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Today let's pray for our marriage.

Lord I thank you for my spouse. I thank you for teaching us daily how to be better wives and husbands. I pray today that you bless my husband and help him with any problem (addiction, bad habit, bad attitude) that he might have. I ask that you lead him in the direction you would have him go in and give him wisdom. I pray that if he is not seeking you, that the blinders are removed and that the tugging at his heart becomes stronger and he is drawn to you. I thank you for growing him into the man of God that you have called him to be.

I thank you that we both realize our strengths as individuals and our strength together as one. Give us patience when we want to get angry. Show us how to love like you have loved us. Help me to be the Woman of God that you have created me to be. Help me to love, support and be a strength to my husband. In Jesus Name, Amen!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Controlled Lives

I am in a bible study right now and one of our assignments was to pick out 3 scriptures to help us with an issue we are dealing with. One of the scriptures I chose was Galatians 5:22, But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...

When I look at this scripture it reminds me that if I give up control and focus on His Word, this fruit will be produced in me. So, today let's focus on love. Not what the world calls love but God's love. Let's pray for the following:
  • That we have a revelation of how much God loves us.
  • That we give up control of our lives to Him. That we are led by the Holy Spirit and not by our own will and emotions.
  • That love overtakes us and we share His love with others.

In Jesus Name, Amen!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Praying for Others

As I was asking God what we should pray about this week, I really felt him leading me towards prayer for other marriages. So, this week choose a couple (or two) to pray for during your prayer time or whenever God leads you to pray.

Pray the following for the marriage (or pray in the direction God leads you):
  • Pray that God strengthens them individually and as a couple.
  • Pray that God shows them their roles in the marriage and that he gives them strength to fulfill their roles.
  • Pray that the love of God covers them and their marriage and that they show love to each other.
  • Pray that they keep their priorities in line (God, marriage, children, other things).
  • Pray that they have a renewed love for each other and they have a desire to work on themselves and their relationship.